Journal, Photography, Self Portraits
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t take photos of myself – I’ve always been the most convenient model, and photography’s been a huge part of rejecting what I’m supposed to believe about bodies & faces & hair, and...
Experiments, Journal, Self Portraits
It’s probably about time I weighed in on the AI thing, I guess – it’s been everywhere for the last few weeks, and has come up in conversation with the most unlikely people. Which I guess means it’s hit the mainstream. Hmm. Me. Having thoughts...
Costume, Experiments, Fantasy Shoots / Moonstruck, Journal, Modern Fairytales, Photography, Self Portraits, Sketchbooks
Just hopping in to record some in progress experiments I’ve been doing as the winter finally gives way to spring. There’s still a chill in the air, but in the last few days I can go out barefoot without risking frostbite, and I can tolerate not having a...
Dancing, Journal, Life & Creativity, Self Portraits
A stolen moment at the day job – the corridor was deserted, so I danced down it and snapped this shot of my much-loved sparkling shoes. Of course, as I ran to stand in place for the first shot, someone appeared behind me and got in the way…!
Alter Egos, Photography, Self Portraits
Today’s image came from a rainy July weekend – when I’m cooped up indoors I often get my camera out. (There are several outtakes with inquisitive kitteny cats who really wanted to play with the ribbons…) I’ve had this image and...