Blog, Journal, Self Portraits
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t take photos of myself – I’ve always been the most convenient model, and photography’s been a huge part of rejecting what I’m supposed to believe about bodies & faces & hair, and...
Blog, Journal, New Thing Thursday, Self Portraits
It’s probably about time I weighed in on the AI thing, I guess – it’s been everywhere for the last few weeks, and has come up in conversation with the most unlikely people. Which I guess means it’s hit the mainstream. Hmm. Me. Having thoughts...
Blog, Costume, Journal, Self Portraits
Just hopping in to record some in progress experiments I’ve been doing as the winter finally gives way to spring. There’s still a chill in the air, but in the last few days I can go out barefoot without risking frostbite, and I can tolerate not having a...
Alter Egos / Unfurling, Self Portraits
Today’s image came from a rainy July weekend – when I’m cooped up indoors I often get my camera out. (There are several outtakes with inquisitive kitteny cats who really wanted to play with the ribbons…) I’ve had this image and...