Gosh, it’s been longer than I thought since I wrote over here!

As ever in my world, both everything and very little has changed. I’m still running around doing multiple things, I’m still rarely seen without my camera, and I’m still very much my own boss.

It’s been a crazy year, focusing in hard on the branding photography and building my little business into a delightful and dependable source of income. I adore working with business owners and entrepreneurs, and getting to meet so many fabulous humans along the way. I also love my commercial work, which this year has included both Graduation and Welcome/Freshers Week, some of the happiest times on campus!

This year has also seen my life transformed by Bothwell School of Witchcraft and the larp community, and more chances to express my steampunk self than I’ve ever had before.

So what’s going on over here?

Well, I still do pet and lifestyle photography sessions (edited for 2025 – not any more!), but the main thing that’s changed this year is I am an artist. I have stepped up and embraced the title, and I am creating some magical, fantastical, fairytale and dreamy fine art images.

I applied for a DYCP grant which I sadly didn’t get, but the process of applying has taught me masses – about myself as much as about the world of arts grants!

My second Open Studios was also a glorious opportunity for learning, and I found contentment and delight in equal parts, watching people look at my work and take their own meanings from it.

I have several personal projects in the works and a few more which I haven’t unveiled yet, and still more which are just percolating in the back of my mind.

This means that as soon as life calms down a little, the website is having a rework – it’s still me, but I want to make it easier to see what I do, buy prints and book mermaid or fairytale sessions for yourself.

https://carlawatkinsphotography.com/magical-mail/In the meantime, thank you for sticking around, and do hop on the mailing list if you’d like to stay in the loop…

Questions? Give me a shout – I am always happy to chat! hello@carlawatkinsphotography.com