If you’ve landed here, you’ll know that body positivity is a strong influence in my work and in my attitude to life. Towards the end of last year, I had one of those moments where things just fitted together magically to make a wonderful weekend of bopo...
Recently I stumbled across this incredible lady – Megan of bodyposipanda. Megan posts gorgeous images and messages around the theme of loving your body exactly as it is. This is body positivity, and it has its roots in rebelling against the incessant thin =...
Carla is a photographer and mermaid with a love of the ethereal, nostalgia and magic. She weaves stories into photographs which could have walked off the pages of a book, and which invite you to find your own stories within them. Living and working on the north Essex coastline (which suits her mermaid heart), her work pulls together memory, imagination and wonder.