Everyday Magic, Inspiration, Journal, Life & Creativity
A fairly speedy post today – it’s Imbolc, the pagan start of spring and my personal new year. I much prefer it to the depths of midwinter, and it means I get to plan all the way through January in peace, rather than trying to cram it into the madness and...
Collections, Doll Photography, Dolls, Journal, Model Horses
You might have spotted some miniature scenes on my socials recently, and the photo of me chatting to Raven Queen on my sofa was an unexpected hit at the last Wivenhoe Art Trail, so I thought it was probably time I talked about it a bit more + how I got here!...
Journal, Photography, Self Portraits
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t take photos of myself – I’ve always been the most convenient model, and photography’s been a huge part of rejecting what I’m supposed to believe about bodies & faces & hair, and...
Doll Photography, Dolls, Experiments
It’s been what feels like forever since I had a chance to work on something just for fun, but a recovery day after being horizontally sick for a couple of days proved the perfect opportunity. Was still too blah to leave the house, didn’t want to do any...
Art, Events & Exhibitions, Journal, News, News & Press, Studio
It’s been a whirlwind of a few weeks, but the 17-19th May marked the first Wivenhoe Art Trail of 2024, my second art trail, and the first time I’ve opened my new studio to the public properly. First up, a big thank you to the organising team for a fantastic...